Determining Dawn

Commemorating Anzac Day


Year Levels

  • Y5-6 (Guided)

  • Y7-8+


  • 1 lesson



For younger learners, prepare the webpages and move through them together, tab by tab.

For older or more experienced learners, consider the many resources available on, including distracting adverts. Discuss how we can approach the internet to benefit from the information available while staying safe and on task.


Challenge learners to identify the difference between the three technical types of dawn. Which is closest to the start of their local Dawn Service?

Prompt learners to identify precise dawn in different parts of the country and compare them with their region.

About Activity

This activity covers the history and significance of Anzac Day and the tradition of Dawn Ceremony commemorations.

In a computerised context, learners will research information relevant to themselves, their environment and in connection with the observance of Anzac Day in Aotearoa New Zealand.

With permission and guidance, learners will practise using the internet and their digital devices safely and effectively to find the precise timing of dawn in their local area.